Capttery: Scalable Battery-like Room-level Wireless Power

Chi Zhang, Siddharth Kumar, Dinesh Bharadia


Internet-of-things (IoT) devices are becoming widely adopted, but they increasingly suffer from limited power, as power cords cannot reach the billions and batteries do not last forever. Existing systems address the issue with ultra-low-power designs and energy scavenging, which inevitably limit functionality. To unlock the full potential of ubiquitous computing and connectivity, our solution uses capacitive power transfer (CPT) to provide battery-like wireless power delivery, henceforth referred to as “Capttery”. Capttery presents the first room-level (~5 m) CPT system, which delivers continuous milliwatt-level wireless power to multiple IoT devices concurrently. Unlike conventional one-to-one CPT systems that target kilowatt power in a controlled and potentially hazardous setup, Capttery is designed to be human-safe and invariant in a practical and dynamic environment. Our evaluation shows that Capttery can power end-to-end IoT applications across a typical room, where new receivers can be easily added in a plug-and-play manner.